Bureau Details
Bureau Name: New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board Bureau Code: NYCIRB
URL: www.nycirb.org Organization Type: State
Description: The New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board (NYCIRB) is a non-profit, unincorporated association of insurance carriers, including the State Insurance Fund. In conjunction with the New York Workers' Compensation Law, the Insurance Law provides for the Superintendent of Insurance to designate a statistical organization to collect the loss, premium and payroll data from each carrier, summarize this information and develop an adequate rate structure. Since the enactment of the Workers' Compensation Law in 1914, the NYCIRB has been licensed as the official organization for the collection of data and development of workers compensation rates.
Associated Lines of Business & States
LOB State
Workers Compensation NY
Workers Compensation NY
Workers Compensation NY
Workers Compensation NY
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