Bureau Details
Bureau Name: Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers Bureau Code: CAR
URL: www.commauto.com Organization Type: Industry
Description: Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers (CAR) is the industry operated residual market and statistical agent for motor vehicle insurance in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In its residual market role, CAR provides access to private passenger and commercial motor vehicle liability and physical damage insurance to that segment of the State's motoring public that is unable to obtain automobile coverage through the voluntary market. Every company that is licensed to write motor vehicle insurance in Massachusetts is required to become a member of CAR. When a company exceeds the established volume thresholds and meets certain eligibility requirements, the company will be required to become a CAR Servicing Carrier. Servicing Carriers are responsible for issuing, processing, and servicing ceded business for CAR.
Associated Lines of Business & States
LOB State
Commercial Auto (CA) MA
Commercial Auto (CA) MA
Personal Auto (PA) MA
Personal Auto (PA) MA
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